Thursday, November 11, 2010

Two Weeks Till Thanksgiving Day!!!

I can't believe it's only two weeks away, mine and my hubby's favorite holiday of the year. Every year we count down the days and we almost quit eating before this day because nothing sounds good and nothing tastes good because we are starting to crave our turkey dinner. I know not everybody gets this crazy about thanksgiving but we do. We don't even eat meat and or mashed potatoes these next two weeks we wait for the big day and savour every bite. We cook our own turkey dinner because we love it and my husband is a great cook but we especially love love the leftovers. Starting that day and the next two days after all we eat is leftovers and it gets better every day. Our kids love it this much too except for our poor son Sam who was born right before Thanksgiving making us so excited to have him born close to this day. It turns out that we must have jinxed it because he HATES HATES Thanksgiving, I know it's a strong word but sad to say it's true for this occasion. Sam doesn't dislike to many things in this world but this is on the top of the list and gets worse every year. This is the food he doesnt' like except for pumpkin pie and maybe a roll that's it. So we make him a pb&j or some corndogs for his dinner and then while we eat leftovers the next two days he complains more about how much he hates Thanksgiving food, poor guy suffers all weekend while we eat and eat and love it. I'm hoping when he's an adult his attitude and taste buds will change and he will love this holiday as much as we do.

In honor of this thankful month I've decided to post something every day for the next two weeks of what I'm thankful for. It might just be a word, a picture, a thought whatever strikes me that day. We also make a thankful tree and add our thanks to it every day but I will find a different thing aside from that one everyday just to double my thanks for this lucky, loving, fulfilled life that I have. So what I'm most thankful for today is my dear sweet husband. He loves this holiday with me and this month I remember how lucky I am to have found this great guy and to be married to him. So thank you honey for being turkey crazy with me love you lots.

Anyone who wants to join me and being thankful everyday please leave me a comment and your link so I can see what yours is. Thanks

1 comment:

  1. Loved hearing how your Thanksgiving will be! I love Thanksgiving too. I love the family time.
