Here are my ONE LITTLE WORDS (OLW) for 2013. This is a great idea for those who don't like making goals for the New Year, instead you just focus on a word. To read more about this idea go to Ali Edward's.com where she explains about it and shares about the OLW class based on this idea. Over the last few years my OLW has served me ok, for some reason I can't commit to it like I do PL. Not sure why that is but this year I'm hoping to grow and focus on these words and will sign up for her class. My last OLW words were TIME, ART, BELIEVE and I would say ART is the one I did the best on, fully bringing art into my daily life. I think BELIEVE did help me thru this year but could have had more chances to grow and I didn't let it. So now it's time for 2013 and what word(s) have been in my mind for a few months now. I did these pages last night to kick it off, will add some words to it later but for now I just like seeing them like this, BIG AND COLORFUL. I did the favorite masking tape to outline a word then pulling it off. LOVE LOVE THIS! Before ripping it off though I painted a color just around the letters and LOVE how it turned out. It was so fun to paint again and bring out my art journal, it's been weeks. So here is a little bit about why I chose these...
The word STORY has been on my mind a lot since the fall, I think doing my thankful leaves and PL in November really made it kick in though. I want to get back to scrapbooking our lives, seems that since PL is a major part of my life the scrapping gets further away from me. I want to bring this up in the front again and have more stories told about the kids, me, hubby, US, THEM, EVERYDAY, the big, the small, past, present, future all of it!! To do this I will not only be scrapping but also doing more writing in my journals and by taking some classes. Some of them will be Ali Edward's newest announced class STORY , can't wait to see what this will be about. She also had a 31 days of stories class this year that I missed out on but will be sure to take next year. I have a couple more in mind that I'm checking out at BPS and by Cathy Z, will let you know about those when/if I take them. I am really looking forward to this word and what it will grow into this year. LOVE telling our story!!
My second word has been around for some time now but gets pushed aside/not acted on and it finally hit me hard after the tragedy in Newton. I WANT/NEED more PEACE in my life, my home, my heart, my world, my kids and family, EVERYWHERE! I do feel at peace most days but I can tell we need more and how to focus on it and hopefully spread it to others. Not sure what I will be doing with this word just yet but it's there and knocking on my heart pretty hard right now. This word is going to be the one that will change me/us the most this year and hopefully forever in a GOOD WAY.
I know that we are suppose to pick just one word but for me I like having two words, one for me and one that can be for my home, family life. Really there is NO RULES about this OLW so that's good since having two words works for me. Like I said this year I'm really hoping to stick with these words and DO things with them and stay committed to Ali's OLW class for this. I've also thought about bringing the "HAPPINESS PROJECT" into my life and into my words this year too. Somewhow I will work that into my OLW and PL and WRITING!! I might even think about a handwriting class, my writing can get kinda sloppy at times and it would be nice to read what I actually write.
Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading all of it if you did. Would LOVE to hear if you have a OLW or a goal or anything about plans for the new year. Please leave it in the comments for me to read or blog abou it. If you have any questions please also let me know. Check out Ali's blog if you haven't heard of this, lots of good stuff to read about it. She is so amazing and inspiring with this idea. I will come back soon with the Christmas pictures, we had a great day. As of last night we got our first BIG BIG snow also, Sam is over the moon about waking up to play in it today. So prepare for lots of SNOW pictures this coming up week. Hope all of you enjoyed the holidays and are now having some down time. I'm ready for the NEW YEAR!!