Thursday, August 21, 2014

I think fall is sneaking up, YAY!!

Hello from my computer, YAY!! I am happy to be writing this from my desk/keyboard again, although it still isn't quite perfect yet it's still good. We have to tip the monitor upside down every 15mts. or so to keep it working, lol. The things we do to communicate with others around the world, right. Today is the first official day all my kids went to school and the house is quiet and mine again. I'm ready for the routine and for doing new things and seeing the kids new journey's this year. Many changes and fun times ahead I hope for all of us.
The clouds were amazing last week, this picture barely shows how gorgeous the sky was. I was outside all day and night just watching them and enjoying some cooler fall like temps too. My heart is ready for fall since it's my favorite season but my body isn't ready to be cold again like last winter.
All I need to do is walk outside and I see fall already, 5 perfect awesome pumpkins from our garden. I love pumpkins and want tons of them each year, we have two more slowly growing to add to this group. Looks like one white one will be joining in too, YAY!! I especially love that growing pumpkins means not having to spend money buying them too. The little mini ones are still turning orange and will soon be picked and sitting on my kitchen table for me to look at each day. YAY!
I also like walking around the yard and garden picking nature goodies to enjoy playing with. I've been sketching them a bit and taking pictures and just slowing down to really see the changes in my backyard. I want to keep doing this till it gets too cold out, slowing down is good for me and my heart and thoughts. Looking forward to these quiet afternoons to do just that. Do you see fall in this basket too, YAY!! Not ready for the cold but I do love fall colors and having warm cider again.
Hope you have a good rest of week of weekend! Thanks so much for keeping with me during all the techie issues my computer is having. Wish we could all just live closer and gather around weekly to chat and drink tea and create fun things together. I have a mandala and T time post ready for next week. Hope to see you there, fingers crossed all techie things work.


  1. Congratulations on getting your computer working again Dawn! It's great to see one of your beautiful sunsets again! I can't believe it's almost fall! Yikes!

  2. Congrats!!!! Happy to see your new post too!

  3. Wow, those are some LOVELY pumpkins. Beautiful and healthy looking. I don't have room for anything that big, but I sure like the look of yours. And your sunflowers are awesome, too.

    So glad your computer woes are finally taken care of. It makes me smile!!

  4. I love how you are trying to slow down and seeing the changes in your backyard. I agree that it is so good for the soul. And just as you are saying goodbye to summer we are about to welcome spring.
