This is what I made this week to remind me of my THANKFUL HEART this month. It was so nice to slow down and look for the small things that fill my heart with love and gratitude. I am a lucky girl in so many ways, don't want to forget this.
I had a fun and hard time making this piece. The first 2 attempts didn't come out right with the colors. Finally it came together just the way I wanted it too and makes me soooo happy to see it now. This month was full of working on things outside my comfort zone and trusting myself and having the POWER TO BE WHO I NEED TO BE!! This last week of creating art for loved ones has touched me and a quiet calm peace has set in me now. I love having an idea and putting it in paint and seeing the magic happen. I'm very excited about some projects and gifts that have kept me busy. Will be sharing more of these soon.
So this will be my last thankful post this month and I couldn't wait to share this art piece with you. It really does make me happy and somehow wish you all could have one of these too. Please know that you have all helped me so much these last few months. It means the world to me to have your love and support. So from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you!!
Here is a few more things to be thankful for....
1. for sibling hugs especially when it's Renee and Sam
2. Renee and Sam playing together a lot this week.
3. Summer always giving Sam a piggy back ride, love this
4. Summer playing dart guns with Sam
5. Summer and Sam chats in the morning before his bus comes
6. Summer playing with her hair and how happy she gets when it comes out great
7. RENEE WEARING A PONYTAIL in hair 3x this week, love love this
8. Renee's new braces, RED AND HOT PINK, she's so stinkin cute
9. Rich always helping and being supportive
10. Rich being home for 4 days straight and loving him here with me
11. Rich always making me laugh and being the fun one which rubs off on our kids
12. The twinkling lights in our yard and street, love love these lights
13. for my blog readers, YOU ROCK!!
14. my art journal class, sooo exciting and learning soooo much
15. Sam asks EVERYDAY "IS IT GOING TO SNOW TODAY" love love that he is excited and secretly I am too.
16. Sam had turkey this year and said it was ok, even had leftovers
17. how our dog loves all of us and waits each day till we all get up, he loves ALL OF US!!
18. Rich and kids playing football outside and playing on the Wii this weekend, so funny hearing them have fun
19, Kristin getting excited with me about my art and coming up with a surprise for me!! Always love hearing from her and cant' wait till she's home again.
20. quiet mornings with Rich and all the cooking he did this weekend
21. That we loved the movie Arthurs Christmas and it made Rich and I both cry. you have to see this movie.
Thank you for following with me this month and letting me share so much with you. I am thinking of starting this again in January and going for the whole year. Still working on my plans for it. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend with your loved ones. Have a good day back to work/school tomorrow. My house will be very quiet and clean tomorrow, miss them already.
My heart is very full and happy right now!!