Saturday, May 19, 2012

Illness update the problem and solution

I'm soooo lucky to have the best readers in the world. Thanks again for the prayers and thoughts. It worked just in time.
At my doc. appt. Friday morning they took some blood and tested it and to my surprise it was in the danger zone, very very low. I went straight to the hospital so they could start a blood transfusion. All those systoms during the week was my body telling me something was wrong but I didn't get it, NOW I DO!! By friday morning I couldn't walk up the stairs, shower, walk to the car without being wiped out, never felt this tired in my life. My mom stayed with me all day and helped get me settled in and take care of the kids. Lucky to have my oldest home this week to be with me also. After a whole day and night of transfusions they released me today, I have color in my face, the ringing in my head is gone and I have some energy. Will be taking it easy still though, no overdoing it.
Next week I will go in for a ultrasound and talk about my options so that this doesn't happen again. Will prob. try to do something soon before kids are home on vacation, I can rest during the day while they at school.
Please learn from my lesson and all of you take care of yourselves, listen to your bodies, see your doctor for exams and do what you need to be healthy, I never want to go thru this scare again and don't want that for any of you either. I wish we all lived closer also, we could sit and craft or just put our feet up and drink some lemonade, thank you for all the love and prayers that helped me get thru this safely and quickly. I will be on the couch again this week but feel my spirit with you and I will try to read blogs next week.
p.s.  I didn't want to get into the gory details too much but this is from a bad period over the last two weeks. This was hard enough to write already, just want you to be aware for yourselves.


  1. Thanks God that your home now!!!! I really love to read your posts and I'll pray the lord for your speedy and full recovery. God Bless You.

  2. Oh Dawn, I am so glad you went to the hospital and had those tests! Glad you are feeling better - I will keep you in my prayers as you recover! Hugs!

  3. My dear friend. I am so glad that they found the problem and that it is resolved for now. I pray that they will find a permanent solution soon and that you will be well enough to enjoy your family.

  4. Hello Dear Friend, I am just so thankful that you are alright. Please, please rest up and take time heal properly. We want you around for quite some time thankyou. Thanks for the email too its always good to chat with you.
    love me :-)))))

  5. Dear Dawn, I am so glad that you are recovering.Take good care of yourselves. You are so lucky to have your Mom nearby to help you. Take rest and my prayers are with you.

  6. so glad u are okay.. Take care of yourself.. u know I love u.. and yes, I wish we were closer.. I really do. xo hugs xo

  7. Thank you ladies for all your sweet comments and good wishes. I am feeling better now, taking it easy but much better then a week ago. Hoping to only have happy posts from now on, that was a rough week and I'm ready for good things to happen now. HUGS!!

  8. So happy to read you are on the mend. I'm also so happy you had lots of loving family to take care you. Keep taking care of yourself! Hugs.

  9. So very glad to have my daughter back healthy again some what - that was a close call - glad I was here to go with you - we will find a resolution to the problem so that it doesn't happen again - please please please take care of yourself - love you mom!

  10. Yes dawn, i got quite scared sis.. glad your on the mend.. take care of you!!!!! Love you older sis of mine...

  11. Oh goodness, that is not good at all!! So happy you got it checked out just in time! Rest up and get well soon friend!

  12. Hello Dawn, I'm new to your blog :). I pray that you'll continue to recover from it and become stronger to enjoy life with a very loving family. I pray that you'll be send angels to help you healing. Hugs.
