Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 7 is such a sweet page for me, it's about my little cousin I babysit for a couple times a week. It is such a joy to watch her, such a good girl she's always been. So happy that I can scrapbook her growing up and remember all these moments. In this page I want to remember she has just started talking to her farm animals and she's prenteding the cow wants her to get in the barn and she's telling the cow she's too big while trying to stick her head in the barn to show the cow. This is a new step for her and I don't want to miss it. I'm actually laying on the ground trying not to laugh and takeing the picture of her. Also to remember is the Christmas tree is in her corner where her she plays, she handled it pretty well and pushed all her toys over to the tree as close as she knew I'd let her and sat and played there most of the day. Magic by the tree for me.

So my page is simple with photo and words to remind myself of her right now in this phase because it passes so quickly. Love you sweetie and Merry Christmas!


  1. Dawn your DD is so wonderful! I love this picture and how you are down at her level seeing it how she sees it. So very sweet!

  2. Hi Dawn, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. To me the best pages are those that have photos and words. No amount of embellishing can every replace these sweet things.
    I have been thinking about doing project life for 2011, I take it from reading your blog that you have loved doing it.
    love me :-)

  3. Such a great moment you've captured - these are so fleeting and are so easily forgotten. Lovely.
