Monday, July 25, 2011


I have to say this year's WITL will be totally different then last years. With the kids home all day long now and keeping me busy I was a little stressed by noon and crazy by three and tired by seven. I can barely think straight and try to grasp what this day meant to me and what I want to take from it to remember. Thankfully some few happy moments did pop up and I can see that now and am grateful. Some things have changed but a lot is still the same. The biggest change is having a dog in our life now and how much he takes up our day of caring and loving for him. He loves being with us and needs us nearby all the time. He will be so sad next month when kids are back to school. I'm going to try and capture his life and what he does thru the day too. It is hard to keep the positive attitude while wrestling the kids from each other and calming them down from fights over little things but I kept at it and tried to stay focused. Even the good busy with them made it hard to capture and remember. I needed more notes I think.
Tomorrow will be even busier because I babysit my cute little cousins. So looking forward to capturing this time though. Going to hand the camera to Sienna and let her have fun. Little Colt is always fun to take pictures of and is full of new tricks. Still loving that I captured our whole day today and have this to remember. I took 62 photos which is more then I thought and deleted about 10 already. I did take pictures of the clocks all day and this will really help tell the story later when I put the album together. Now I'm off to bed and dream of taking pictures tomorrow and dreaming of a cool smash album I want now !! Thanks Tracey!


  1. OMG I love all the daily photo's and love the idea of taking photo's of the clocks, very cool idea.
    Yes I must say I am in total love with my smash book, its fun and is making the WITL much easier. I think the way I tackle each day will be different, not trying to think to far ahead I am liking the idea of just documenting the day as it comes.
    I wish we lived closer too as we could talk about this stuff all day long LOL. How cool would that be.
    Who knows maybe one day I will be able to fly over... just need to wait for lotto to pick my numbers.
    Have a great day and happy documenting.
    Love me :-)

  2. Love the idea of the clocks too! great documentation with 62 photos!!! are you going through your pictures each day or all at the end? SO i was thinking of using my vacation week (starting this Friday) to do my WITL because I will be more available but then i think that since it's vacation, it's not REAL life. i dunno, i'm torn between doing it now or in the fall. shooot...why couldn't i do it in the fall too???
    Gonna hop down to your pics now...browsed through them earlier and now I get to tell you how much i liked them!
